Top Quality Cotton Ginning
At Brighann we take pride in producing top quality cotton for the milling industry.
Brighann Gin is equipped with the latest technology, a 4-Stand Lummis Saw Gin, which adopts best practice humidification. The gin is supported by sentinel lint cleaners, collider dryers and a humidifier, all of which are integrated with quality and moisture monitors to ensure the output maximises the yield and calibre of lint.
We are able to commit to shipping requests of consistent bale qualities that meet the specific mill orders received from our clients.
Ginning for Australian Farmers
Brighann has an excellent track record of paying farmers fairly and in a timely manner. We operate gin for seed contracts, where daily seed prices are passed onto farmers. This allows Brighann to offer competitive net ginning prices.
We are also recognised as reliable payers to farmers – where our standard purchase contract for lint is based on payment no less than 14 days after classing data is issued.
Our extensive ginning & warehouse facilities allows us to offer special / competitive lint pricing to Brighann Ginning clients. This results in an easy one-step transaction for farmers that choose to utilise Brighann Ginning & Brighann Marketing.
Centrally located in the Gwydir Valley, we are well positioned for farmers in Northern NSW as well as Queensland.